Incredibly disappointing, and not worth half the price
19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This game has amazing graphics and did a great job with the realism when it comes to weapons handling, but that's about where the positives end unfortunately. The campaign gameplay is just not fun for the majority of the missions. The missions where you are stuck with no weapons and have to craft items with found materials are possibly the worst missions in any COD campaign to date. Somehow you can make a smoke bomb out of a glass jar and a rope, or make a lock pick with string and a fan blade, yet you can't craft a prison shank? The AI is god awful, and the shotguns are way too powerful. Other than the weapons handling, this game is incredibly unrealistic, even for call of duty, yet simultaneously not fun. I understand sacrificing realism for fun gameplay, but that's not the case here. Plus the villains were not memorable whatsoever. The story leaves much to be desired. The only missions that was unique AND fun in my opinion was the one where you use the cameras to lead ghost through the compound. This game likes to give you the illusion of choice, such as different dialogue options in conversations, but in reality they don't matter at all. Totally pointless and doesn't impact the story in any way depending on what you choose to say.

As for multiplayer, there is a lot of potential, but it's all thrown away by the skill based match making system. Just like the previous 3 COD games. It punishes those who are good at the game, so when you do well in a match, you then get put in lobbies where you will not do well or have fun. This makes it so that ~60% of the games you play are just painful. I wasted $70 and until SBMM is removed from the series, I will not be buying another call of duty game again. I absolutely do not recommend anyone to buy this game.
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