Very Disappointing
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had simple expectations before watching the documentary. I expected to learn that there are policies that discriminated against women. An example of a policy is affirmative action, that discriminated against certain races - and I expected that this documentary to expose such a discrimination policy against women. This did not happen and anecdotal evidence of bullying or being treated like garbage does not count (men get bullied and treated like garbage too). The fact that less girls are interested in science than boys has not been mentioned.

We get statistics on there being less women in some field where there's no 50/50 split between men and women. This is clearly a problem! Might as well go after the plumbers, electricians, construction workers, and any other field where there's not a 50/50 split.

There's a story about one woman parking in the faculty parking lot and someone asking if she worked there. The woman was also mistaken for a janitor.

There's a story about some random dude asking out a bunch of women and kept getting rejected. I am not sure what point they were trying to get across.

There's a story about there being few women engineering students left at the senior year, as compared to many women during the freshman year. I remember my engineering classes. During freshman year, maybe 1 in 20 students was a girl, and no one was telling the girls to leave.

There's a story about guys wanting to have beer with a woman, then another guy assuming her success came from having a beer and sleeping with them.

There's a story about a woman getting little lab space. I am certain this happened to men as well.

The left/right association test was an absolute joke.

The most heartbreaking story is the guy at Antartica bullying a woman and endangering her life and health. She should have sued the guy and the program.

A few great quotes from the documentary: "A ton of feathers is still a ton." "If you don't have women, you lost half the best people." "The higher you go up the ivory tower, the whiter it gets, and the more male, and the more hetero."

Is it sad to hear these stories? Yes. Am I a bad person because I am not convinced that every woman that wants to be a scientist or engineer needs to jump through special hoops and battle all the evil men to do so? No.
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