17 November 2022
This film is a propaganda piece that completely harm all current patients and future patients, because the number one reason that people go to the doctor is because they have PAIN! Pain derives from many things...onset or chronic illness, injury, malpractice in treatment of an illness or condition, and surgery pain from complications. The fact is that it is rare that a patient becomes addicted to the opioid pain medication, because the brain is not able to produce the level of dopamine that gets rid of pain naturally in the body, so the opioid fills in the dopamine receptors and pain subsides so the patient can FUNCTION once again. The patient does NOT get high from that, because the brain is merely placed back in balance. The only time that a person gets "high" from opioids is when the patient doesn't have a dopamine deficiency where the brain is permanently unable of being able to produce its own dopamine and therefore gets an excess. That is rare! A very important fact that all the propaganda doesn't ever state is that ADDICTION IS GENETIC and it only occurs in ~1-4% of the entire population. Most people who become addicts from pain medications are already addicted to something - alcohol, gambling, or drugs.
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