Review of Call Jane

Call Jane (2022)
I Mishmash of Ideas that Fall Flat
16 November 2022
I had a hard time watching this movie.

Not because of the subject matter, but because it's a very strange mish mash of things. Set in the 60's. The only thing 60 about the movie is the hair bob. The cars are largely from the '50s. The sets also look like the 50's or, oddly, current.

That lack of attention to that detail sort of stuck in my craw.

Then there is Sigorney Weaver. She made a name for herself in the Alien movies, bt she's really a B level actress. Honestly, I'm really surprised she still has a career. It's hard watching her deliver her lines because she's not all that talented.

In the end, there is a reason this movie took so long to find a release after being shown at Sundance.

It's just not that good.
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