Review of Mou Mou

The Crown: Mou Mou (2022)
Season 5, Episode 3
Magnificent Acting and Storytelling
16 November 2022
If nothing else comes from this episode, the thing I will always remember is the sight of those pompous asses walking into the villa and taking all the stuff with them. The man standing there paid to renovate that mansion out of his own pocket. The Queen and the Queen Mother come off as the stuffed shirt self important people they are. Prince Phillip doesn't take a moment to even ask who this Al-Fayed guy is, just that they want their junk back. Not ever a letter of thanks. At the horse show, Elizabeth won't even sit with the guy when the sponsors always get to sit with the queen. She sees some guy and chooses to be with him instead. I totally disagree that this was a throw away episode. It again shows what went on historically outside the palace and the shallow entitlement of people living in the past.
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