Review of Love Life

Love Life (2020–2021)
All stars for season 1
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First season was fun, light and relatable. The ending wasn't fantastic, but over all it's a solid 8.

Season two however... it lost all the fun and light in an instant. Marcus is actually quite likable and I don't mind the setting of divorce at the beginning. But, I do find it hard to warm up to Mia. She's not very likable. It's made very clear from the start that she is the one, so there's no element of surprise when they do end up together, even tho you wish they wouldn't. I also didn't mind the very up to date references of covid and blm. I did however find the jabs towards different races and inter-racial couples a bit of bad taste and unnecessary.

I watched the whole second season, but I do think Marcus decerved better. I was looking forword to a male-Darby stuggling to find his soulmate in the sea of desperate women. I was hoping for funny, yet interesting relationship stories and the fact that I could follow yet another characters growth through the series and them learning from their failed relationship attempts. I didn't quite get that. Marcus didn't seem to learn anything. Just jumped straight into the next mistake while waiting for the opportunity to return to the previous one.
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