Remake of "Cat-Women of the Moon," this film should never have made it off the launchpad.
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of rocket scientists, (Richard Travis and Michael Whalen), Travis' fiancée (Cathy Downs) and two escaped convicts (Gary Clarke and Tommy Cook) take off for the moon. Don't even ask how they all ended up together. Highlights of the trip include a meteor shower, Cook trying to score with Downs, and Whalen getting crunched under some metal object. Before he kicks off, Whalen refers to somebody called "The Lido" and gives Travis a medallion.

Upon landing on the moon, the "stars" are accosted by walking rock creatures (think Gumby on steroids). They hide out in a cave, where they are captured by babes in scanty clothing. Downs gets off the best line in the movie, when, after noticing the skimpy clothing on the moon babes, says that had she known there was this kind of competition, "I would have undressed for the occasion." Yes, that would have made this film more interesting. The Lido (K. T. Stevens) makes her appearance, and upon discovering the medallion on Travis, thinks he is actually Whalen. It seems Whalen set out from the moon to the earth many moons ago; now, she thinks he has returned. Since she's blind, she has no way of knowing her blunder. To add to the mess, her right-hand woman, Alpha (Nina Bara) was promised to Whalen when she was just a kid; now she wants to marry the guy. Alpha wastes no time playing tonsil hockey with Travis, leading Downs to blow her stack and blab that Travis is not Whalen. Alpha doesn't care, since this is the first man on the moon in who knows how long, and she wants some action. Meanwhile, Cook discovers a load of diamonds, while Clarke meanders around with a moon babe named Zema, played by the lovely Leslie Parrish (somewhat unrecognizable as a brunette).

Alpha offs The Lido, and becomes The New Lido, or Lido #2, or whatever the protocol is on the moon. She arranges for a wedding, and uses mind control on Travis. She also sentences Downs to death. Downs is tied up in a cavern inhabited by a giant spider - the same giant spider that appeared in Cat-Women of the Moon, World Without End, and Queen of Outer Space. Hopefully, it got some residuals. Cook and Clarke rescue Downs, and Zema throws some kind of hand grenade at Alpha which apparently destroys the oxygen on the moon. Meanwhile, the air has already been sucked out of the movie. Cook tries to make off with the diamonds, but is surrounded by rock creatures and incinerates in the sun. Travis, Downs, and Clarke take off for earth, where the careers of Travis and Downs are permanently grounded.

Much of the dialogue is inane, as witnessed by this example of scientific measurements during the trip: Whalen: "Two twenty four over ten." "Minus 25," replies Travis.

"Minus 25," confirms Downs.

Um ... I get 22.4. Is this gonna be on the test?

If you are in the right mood, there is a certain element of campiness here. Bara, as Alpha, hams it up pretty good. She looks decent in her moon outfit, but her eyebrows are a bit much, especially when she is looking full tilt into the camera and trying to mesmerize Travis. Her Spanish accent occasionally slips through, but I guess if you buy the plot, you don't worry about the ethnic origins of these women. There is also a babe named Lambda, but apparently that's all of the Greek alphabet known to the writers. Travis looks and sounds a bit like Joel McCrea, but that's where it ends. He is stiff and uninteresting. Downs is okay, but her career was just about over when she made this. Most of the moon chicks are played by beauty contest winners, so they make part of the film worthwhile. They dance, strut around, and generally look sexy, which should thrill the 13-year-old boys in the audience (at least those who aren't text messaging). The rock creatures are silly; it is inconceivable they could not be outrun. And speaking of slow moving objects, there is a clock inside the rocket, which is at 9:15 for the entire trip to the moon. This proves the old adage: time stands still when you're not having fun.
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