My Policeman (2022)
I don't know, its wrapped up in ribbons of tragedy...but open the box ...and it's meh ...
10 November 2022
I'm conflicted about this film.

The scenery is fantastic, lovely, beautiful locations.

A forbidden situation, in and of itself, tragic.

A sensitive topic that shouldn't be so.

I feel one of the main male characters simply should have been played by someone else because he couldn't pull off the profound intensity needed for this particular story. I won't mention which one, but you'll figure it out.

It's emotive, which is good.

But, I feel like the forbidden (at the time) situation is overwhelming present throughout in a way that's sort of aggravating. I would have enjoyed some extension of the rest of what these characters were all about, because only one facet of their lives was the focal point. A mistake many stories make. To draw more subtly upon that topic, interwoven more heavily inside what the characters were BEYOND that ...would have made this a much better film.

I also found it quite slow.

Still glad I watched it.
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