Review of Reality XL

Reality XL (2012)
8 November 2022
No pun intended - and I am just riffing on the title ... or am I? Well that was intended for sure ... the other one too you say? I can neither confirm nor deny that. All kidding aside and confusion included: there are not that many genre pieces from Germany. So when they come along every now and often, I reckon we try and cherish them as much as possible! Which is I think what happens with this one.

So if you dig the idea, you may feel way more excited about this, then if you just thought it was a generic Science Fiction movie (from the US or UK to name but two). Of course having good actors in this does help too. The story has enough twists and tweaks to keep you guessing where it will end up (or is it start?) ... just sit back, relax and let this wash over you ... in a good sense of course.
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