Rogue Heroes (2022–2024)
Good action, but woefully inaccurate.
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To me this is in a similar space to 'Titanic'. It's a Hollywood ripping yarn, but if you want a historically-accurate account watch 'A Night To Remember'.

My uncle was under-manager of the huge Ritz cinema in Belfast in the 1950s and met Paddy Mayne on several occasions. My uncle had a brilliant story to tell involving Belfast's hardest man and street fighter 'Silver' McKee, but that's a pub story and you haven't bought me a pint.

So what's my point?

Jack O'Donnell's portrayal of Mayne is just ridiculous to the point that no research can have gone into the character. He's playing Mayne like a street fighter from Belfast's Sandy Row, while the real Mayne came from a wealthy family and was privately-educated. Mayne played rugby for Ireland at a time when that was the preserve of the upper-middle class and above, I ought to know because my grandfather was capped for Ireland in the early part of the 20th century.

O'Donnell's accent is all over the place, Belfast for a few seconds, then County Kerry and then a bit of South Dublin, but at no time a well-educated chap from Newtownards.

If you aren't going to cast a local, at least find someone prepared to do some research and work with a voice coach who understands the complexities of the various Ulster accents.
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