Deadwind (2018–2021)
3rd Season isn't good
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started off with a good first scene, discovering the body and then went down hill. I didn't care about any of the side plots involving her family, especially since they added nothing and I'm tired of these cop shows having family members in dire straits. It was simply filler to try and get to 8 episodes. There were too many characters to keep the main plot coherent. I'm still not sure who the main bad guy was and how he seemed to be a super genius with the ability to find out everything about the cops' lives. He could also pilot a drone, operate a ferry boat, and kill people in elaborate ways while painting symbols in hard to reach places. I clocked him as soon as I saw him in the hospital in an earlier episode. They lingered on him just a tad too long and he had an interesting appearance. Then we've got our hero cops who go to locations by themselves multiple times (without informing headquarters), and almost get killed. There's a ridiculous subplot with a dead husband who was having an affair but also linked to the pharmaceutical part of the story. Oh, and our two cops make out in what feels like a completely ridiculous. Forced plot point. Stick to the first two seasons.
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