John Adams: Independence (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
Kind of lacking
5 November 2022
This episode shows the struggles of John Adams as he tries to convince all 13 colonies to approve independence of America from the British rule.

The problem I have with this episode was that it didn't really show how several colonies had a change of heart towards the end. The episode goes on for 1 hour 20 minutes where several states are strongly and adamantly against a full independence and in the last 10 minutes they all suddenly change their mind and decide to vote "yes" out of blue even though none of the conditions or situations have changed. The show could have handled that part much better than it did.

There were several colonies (states) that said they would never vote yes and they all voted yes at the end and this episode didn't really explain why they suddenly decided to vote yes after being so against the idea. The episode was 94 minutes long so they had plenty of time to show the details of the most important aspect of the episode but they chose to waste time on other trivial stuff instead.

This episode could have been a 9/10 but it fails to deliver so falls to 7/10 at best.
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