I Love Lucy: Country Club Dance (1957)
Season 6, Episode 25
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Barbara Eden plays Diana cousin to a neighbor of the Ricardo's, Mertz's and Ramsey's. They are all invited to a dance at the club. The women want to go and the men don't. They tell their husbands to dance with Diana. The men don't want to until they see Diana and then completely ignore their wives . The women are angry but Lucy convinces them to glam it up for a dance given in Diana's honor. Ricky talks the men into being nice to their wives. The women resent Diana but she really doesn't do anything she's just there. Lucy becomes suspicious when the guys are too nice to their wives and think they are cooking up a plot with Diana. The women leave the dance but end up going back as it's after two. They overhear the men taking the party ended at 11 but they are paying their wives back. They also realize Diana has little in common with them. The women are humored but act like they think Diana is a horrible person and take their husbands home.

The women glamming it up and jealous and mean about Diana is a bit much. Their husbands ignored them and Diana really did nothing to them herself. It's a basic plot for a sitcom but one that I don't care for. Women blaming other woman especially one who hasn't really done anything to them is always and trying to make themselves more appealing to get their husbands attention isn't funny.
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