Review of Bitch Ass

Bitch Ass (2022)
The opposite of "Weak.."
3 November 2022
This is a direct response to a 3/10 review. I've never reviewed a movie on IMDb, I just created this account. Most of the movies I watch are multimillion dollar productions - this is apparently a $30,000 production. I'm extremely impressed!

No, it was not as good as it could have been with a bigger budget. However, everyone involved in making this should be proud of creating such a surprisingly entertaining movie. I'm most impressed with some of the filming techniques used and creative choices that I've never noticed elsewhere. This feels like a very 2022 movie even though I think zero references to the modern day are made. It seems like they brought new things to the horror genre based on the very few horror movies I've seen.

I would have never watched this on my own. I don't usually enjoy horror movies and even with the genres I like I'm very hesitant to watch something made by people who's work I haven't already enjoyed. Tonight, I'm thankful it was chosen by someone who didn't mind watching it a second time to show new people.

I'm giving this a 10/10 because I genuinely enjoyed it, I'll probably recommend it in the future, and I really disagree with the current low rating.
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