Louis Theroux: Savile (2016 TV Movie)
Attempt to whitewash history
2 November 2022
Pretty much an attempt by Theroux to whitewash his previous encounters with Saville and justify his prior portrayal of Saville as a good person.

The bad behaviour of Saville was enabled by so many who should have been far more curious about the warning signs that were self evident. Theroux's earlier positive expose of Saville should be seen as damning, and embarrassing evidence of investigative blindness and poor journalism.

Louis Theroux has been a solid investigative journalist and, for whatever reason, was sucked in by Saville, far too easily. To some degree, it undoes the level of credibility in Theroux's past work and this attempt to "justify" his blindness is disappointing.

These sorts of "documentaries" are more self serving than true journalism.
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