Not deserving of low reviews
1 November 2022
Like most shows, it's a disservice to watch 3 or 4 episodes and then run over here to rate the show.

Like we know from George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, most (all) scripts, like myths, follow an arch. The y have a beginning, middle, and an end. Admittedly, some shows fail to satisfactorily wrap their storylines. But this show isn't one of them.

Enough is available to leave us craving a season two.

This is a show that just kept getting better.

So my advice is, if this is a genre you like, ignore the bad reviews.

It's deserving of a second season.

And won't get one if you don't watch.

Watch until the end.

I promise it's worth it.

Characters keep getting more layered and nuanced as the show progresses.

The storylines keep getting deeper, and more interesting.
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