A Slice of Chicago Romance (2022 TV Movie)
31 October 2022
Another movie inspired by William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet but with a happy ending. AFAIK, there are at least two movies which had pizza restaurants feud - Pizza My Heart (2005) and Little Italy (2018), they were obvious inspiration, and there is nothing wrong with if it's done right.

For some reason(s), Reel One Entertainment in 2022 is pushing Italian theme in their TV movies... Anyway, casting and acting was fine. I liked M. Barker, and too bad M. Kaiser wasn't more prominent as her secondary story was interesting. T. Courtad was good compared to the his previous train wreck (The Perfect Wedding Match).

If I'm going to complain it wasn't obviously filmed in Chicago, movie suffered from time to time of poor audio production like microphones weren't close enough so cast sounded poorly, and there was a bit of some bad makeup (mostly on M. Barker) but nothing serious like in many other ROE TV movies.

In the typical bad ROE tradition, trailer compress whole movie in 2.25 min so don't watch it if you plan to watch movie as is full of spoilers.
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