Shallow, Cherry-Picked, Clearly a Simplistic, Subjective Opinion/Church Advertisment
30 October 2022
This "documentary" is no better than part one. It's simply different in how it pushes religion and a cherry-picked, narrow perspective of Black American history. This time, instead of telling multiple stories about individual journeys of financial success, it's basically just an advertisement for the "Christian" church by many people who claim to be Christians but do hateful videos outside of this movie.

They also conveniently leave out that "the Church" was never a part of "Black culture" until it was forced upon and beaten into African slaves. In comparing said Christianity to Marxism (demonizing Marx, of course), they conveniently ignore that Christianity has been the most murderous religion in human history and that capitalism continues to kill 20 million people annually despite those it may also help. It's a simplistic, biased, narrow-minded perspective, not a historically accurate, holistic documentary. Pretty worthless unless you live in the same echo chamber and just want to feel your beliefs being reinforced by the like-minded.
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