This Show Shouldn't Exist
30 October 2022
Let me make it quick, extremely bad artwork choice They've taken away everyone's personality including Garfield, Jon, etc, they're all silent and never talk NONE OF THEM they're also just not likeable and they don't look like themselves anymore, now, I grew up with Garfield And Friends, the very first show which still holds up as the golden masterpiece that it is, take a look at that and then this, this show is just so lifeless, empty, boring, just disrespectful to the original show and to Garfield. "Garfield originals" there's nothing original here, want original? Want something that leaves you watching non-stop? Watch Garfield And Friends and the old specials, they have really good artwork, really likeable characters like Jon, Garfield etc, Liz, grandma, etc etc

They also have great personality and feel very life-like in their own way, as you watch the show it grows on you and you begin to feel connected, here you don't, with "Garfield originals" you aren't connected with any of the characters, they're just there to be there, no actual plot, just a really bad attempt and shouldn't have such a golden name such as Garfield written on it, because THIS. IS. NOT. THE. REAL GARFIELD.

I give it 2 stars for trying, not because I like it, stay away from this "GaRfIeLd" show at all costs and go watch Garield And Friends.
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