Somewhere Boy (2022)
Nonsense show that fails to engage on most levels
29 October 2022
Somewhere Boy?

Where, exactly?

In a rambling, daft old tale, that's where.

With such a silly storyline that meanders so much it loses its way into a ditch, one cannot forgive the half baked script and sheer dullness of the entire proceedings. And yet professional (paid!) TV critics loved this. Intriguing... Don't forget, they were paid. By the show's production company, perhaps??

Yes, the plot is mildly intriguing if totally asinine. Yes, the acting is decent, but no better than your standard drama school student couldn't knock out after an afternoons rehearsal. This show is simply too dull overall to maintain a steady interest, particularly over 8 episodes. The writer should have taken the best parts of his script and combined them into 4 episodes and ramped up the tension in the areas where it was needed.

No spoilers for you because, really, whatever plotlines l give away really wouldn't spoil anything. Go outside and kick a football around; you'd enjoy it more, even if you don't like football.
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