Review of The Lair

The Lair (2022)
Not good, but not PAINFUL to watch.
28 October 2022
If you're a fan of good old-fashioned splatter horror, there's a reasonable amount of that in this movie.

Also, you know how so very often the principal protagonist discovers the monsters, and then tries to persuade other people that the monsters exist, and those other people go all Obviously-Doomed-Disbelieving-Villagers on them? That doesn't happen in The Lair, so I'll give it a point for that.

Apart from that, though, The Lair is only inventive when things happen that definitely could not actually happen. And the dialogue's SO corny. And the special effects, for most stuff except for the abovementioned splatter, are often unconvincing. And as usual you're in for a wild ride whenever someone mentions DNA in a horror or sci-fi movie.

I'm not sorry I watched it, but my time could have been much better spent.
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