A dark, gritty, moody, low-budget, small-town, crime drama from Irish society's underside that isn't "Calm With Horses" (or nearly as good as)
28 October 2022
As a moody, low-budget, small-town, crime drama from Irish society's underside, 2018's "The Belly Of The Whale" was a sound pre-runner to the like-toned (but far superior) "Calm With Horses". Lewis MacDougall's a teen scrote returning to his depressed home-town (years after a dubious tragedy with his dad) where he ends up hanging with older, down-beat Pat Shortt (terrific) with whom he plans (against advice of friends like Lauren Kinsella) to rob sleazy local politician Michael Smiley (wrapped up in his own little mess). Debut writer / director Morgan Bushe does a good job delivering his dark & gritty tale that's no "Calm With Horses", but ain't bad. Fair play.
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