Review of Shane

Shane (2004– )
About as funny as a flu jab.
27 October 2022
Shane, a middle aged mini cab driver and father of two goes from one crisis to another.

2004, wasn't exactly a vintage year for comedy, and this had to be the worst offering, and perhaps one of the worst sitcoms of all, it's no wonder the second series was never transmitted, ITV clearly realised that they had a real turkey on their hands.

Frank Skinner, I am a fan, but the material was atrocious for the most part, jokes that were either thirty years out of date, or not funny. Elizabeth Berrington was totally wasted throughout, the highlight was young Tony Bignell, who played Lenny, great timing.

One decent episode, where Lenny has to interview his great gran, it's an episode saved by two mature actresses in Edna Dore and Rosalind Knight, the pair injected some much needed humour, sadly for the most part, the rest of the series just wasn't funny.

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