One of the greatest shorts ever made.
26 October 2022
A young child walks up stone steps. They are gray. But instead of looking sad or depressing, it's beautiful. He steps up the stairs and splashes through the wet ground, running through water fresh with rain. His reflection is clear, but he doesn't stop to look at it. He is in too much of a hurry. He lives a simplistic life, free of electronics and technology. He spends all day having fun and playing games with his red balloon.

Albert Lamorrisse iconic 1956 french short film has become a classic, and with good reason. It is an inspiring, beautiful story about the simplicity and joys of childhood, and the simple lives that people used to live. Back then, it was art from everyday life. But now, it's a snapshot into a long gone, simple time in history.

The Red Balloon is a beautiful tale of friendship and childhood, and not to be missed. You'll love to see the marvels of the vintage French suburbs, and your children will love to watch it with you. The film is captivating and inspiring in a way that very few are, and is something that everyone should see.
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