Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Finally the fake worst doctor is gone!
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We all celebrated in my house when the worst Doctor of all time was gone! The whole Blossomy blossom was lame and you can tell Chinball still doesn't get Dr who. This was probably the best Chinball episode but it's only cause we get some classic doctors who come back and seeing interactions with Ace and Tegan probably my favorite scenes from this who! Then they get to the good part that everyone has been waiting since she started and they ruined this show with the timeless children. William Hartnell will always be the first doctor no matter what they say. Then She finally regenerates and we get arguably the best modern day doctor David Tennant!!! David Tennant is back as the Doctor! I guess the BBC is trying to get the fans back and it worked for me! Hopefully he is the doctor for like 2 more seasons! 60th better be great! Or I'm gone.
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