A Pleasant Surprise.
25 October 2022
I caught this on Roku, intrigued by the title and artwork. I was expecting something more horror-centered, but to my surprise this plays out as more of a mystery thriller (and engagingly so).

The locations look great. Everything looks barren and it suits the nature of a missing person thriller like this. It could probably have done with slicing 5-10 minutes off the run time, but it does slowly build up pretty well.

The final 20 minutes in particular, after, yep...darkness falls, is tense. Given the budget it's well made, engaging and the cast is decent. It's a little far fetched in places but I guess that's a pre-requisite for this type of B movie thriller. I just enjoy seeing something where everything is on screen, out on locations (and I'll watch most things shot in Scottish countryside). There's too many green screen films these days.

Well worth checking out.
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