Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Confusing feelings
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have so many feelings yet I have no idea how to feel.

Watching this in a room with 20 odd people made it funnier than ever, both intentionally, though mostly unintentionally. But then it did slightly put a damper on moments I tried to take seriously. However I wouldn't give up the hype of the cheer and claps when Tennant became the 14th Doctor for the world. The moment that tie appeared the hair on the back of everyone's heads stood right up. I feel the same about the Rasputin Morbius inspired dance number, though for less serious reasons.

Most of it was poorly written and made so little sense with needless exposition and scenes that needed more exposition, a tightrope Chibnall never learnt to tred in 4 years. Equally the story made little sense and did absolutely nothing to bring closure to the arcs and plots he's spent the last 4 years cultivating. Though any questions that remained unanswered would have undoubtedly had unsatisfying answers.

Then every bit of fan service was just, chefs kiss. Tegan and Ace were a lovely inclusion, though Tegan was the clear standout. But then the companion meet up was a beautiful joy with the 97 year old William Russell now having 59 years between his first and last cannon apparence.

And then there were the Doctors'. All 8 of them, technically. Having Collin, David, Peter, Sylvester and Paul come back was sublime, though it showed Chibnal was better at writing the snappy, sarcy 8 suited dialogue than anything else. His quip about not wearing robes was pitch perfect. It all really compounded how I want Chibnall to write for Big Finish. If only also to clear up the few dozen plot thread he left unanswered.

Then Ace and 7 and Tegan and 5 getting one more scene together made me so emotional. After 30 and 40 years appart it felt as whole magnificent as David and Billie Piper being back together for the 50th, or 10 meeting 5 in Time Crash, or everything about the 5 Doctos.

It is so deeply unfortunate that these things are already deeply entrenched in my favourite scenes from the shows 60 year history, just because of how messy and clunky, and in parts appalling, the rest of the episode was. Nothing made any sense and it felt more like the first draft of a fan fiction than usual. It was all very poorly handled until it just suddenly wasn't. But 5 minutes of some of my favourite Doctor Who ever can't save something that's 90 minutes long.

Most of these problems are down to the writing however, Jamie Magnus Stone remains and exceptional director, though he doesn't always have the best things to work with.

And then there is the future. A line about familiar teeth and a what thrice over. So simple and yet we're straight back to where we were 13 years ago. So much excitement and anticipation from such little screen time. An excellent portent for what's to come.

Oh yeah, and Jodie regenerated and had her emotional goodbye. I almost forgot, much like the episode. Since the buildup was missing within and her fatal wound just comes out of the blue it's almost not worth mentioning, especially given how quickly she's overshadowed by Tennant and Gatwa as the 14th and 15th Doctor respectively.

Ultimately her goodbye was as messy as expected, but with more shining lights than were expected.
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