23 October 2022
I had not heard about this 2022 horror movie titled "The Inhabitant" prior to stumbling upon it and sitting down to watch it. Of course with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, then I had to watch it.

The storyline in "The Inhabitant", as written by writer Kevin Bachar, was sort of bland and mediocre. Sure, "The Inhabitant" was a watchable movie, but you're not in for a horror feast here. The movie is very mundane and forgettable. And while I did manage to sit through the 97 minutes that the movie ran for, I was only mildly entertained.

The cast ensemble in the movie was okay, and there were some familiar faces on the cast list with the likes of Leslie Bibb and Dermot Mulroney.

Visually then you're not in for a grand cinematic experience. But then again, "The Inhabitant" is not really a movie that requires a whole lot of special effects or CGI to function.

For a horror movie then "The Inhabitant" felt monotonous and sort of bland. It is definitely not a horror movie that I would suggest horror fans to rush out and get to watch. Nor is it a horror movie that I will ever return to watch a second time. I am sure that newcomers to the horror genre might get a kick out of this movie.

My rating of director Jerren Lauder's 2022 horror movie "The Inhabitant" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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