V/H/S/94 (2021)
My favorite one since V/H/S 2!
21 October 2022
I don't get the hate for this movie. If people don't like this V/H/S then they should hate every V/H/S and at that point why are you watching them? This movie was tons of fun and the mixed cyborg people one was so great! Also the sewer one was super cool too watch. Honestly there wasn't a bad short in this entire movie but some were surely more memorable than others. The only V/H/S I haven't enjoyed is Viral but this movie makes up for it and shows why they continue the series. I can't wait for the next V/H/S if this is the quality they are putting out. If you like V/H/S you will enjoy watching this one late at night on a big TV! Have fun!
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