Review of Baby Fever

Baby Fever (2022– )
Season 1
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ep 1 - A manager who believes she is entitled to special treatment, and a clock, in a very biological sense, that is ticking. Drinking at the clinic? Where do they get the liquor from? A rather dull flashback scene which is very unnecessary. We just saw it in the same episode. Some electronic music cues.

Ep 2 - More unnecessary Flashbacks, and not sure she can take a pregnancy test so soon after. But understand her increased dilemma. The humor is not very funny

Ep 3 - Quirky humor... There is some good and natural dialogue with a bit of interruptions and such, but also some really lousy dialogue. Strong scene of Josephine Park (23 min). The final scene actually saves the series from cancellation.

Ep 4 - Okay, the cancer plot died out relatively quickly. Why hasn't Nana considered an abortion? For the first time, a flashback actually makes sense. Josephine Park is pretty good. Nana is, however, a rather selfish woman, but also a woman who is very skilled and empathetic at her job.

Ep 5 - Okay, now the grip is tightened. The pregnancy is known among the people in question, and NOW Nana is considering an abortion. The whole staging is pretty solid, BUT, and this is a huge but - Simone finds the insemination arrow with the information about the page on Nana's desk. But do they never get cleaned? How could it have been there for so long? Simone becomes the scapegoat, who has now been fired.

An actually quite touching episode. Out it was the most cheesy humour, and instead you felt with the camerawork and Josephine Park's acting skills.

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