Found Footage fans, this is one of those little gems we all look for
21 October 2022
You know what i mean. Wading through countless hours of ff that, let's face it, if we didn't love the genre we would be singing the tune of these uninformed and unenlightened heathens giving this a 1.

But we aint them. Ok.

This is Extraterrestrial FF. Low budget of course but the pacing, the story, and concept are the bomb. This is the kind of movie that if you had a bigger budget would be meh.

But it so works as a found footage. I found myself constantly trying to figure out what's around the next corner. I am being vague because as you know FF is best served with no hype and no expectations. But do trust me on this. For any ff fan this is a must see before plowing back into the morass. I hope you enjoy. Because i sure did. I gave it a ff 8/10.
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