Father Stu (2022)
Moving in every facet of life...
20 October 2022
I was rather surprised I stuck with this movie as I've never watched Mark Wahlberg much and was totally taken back at his fine acting ability in portraying such a character - person, as Father Stu. Mel Gibson was of equal stature in showing himself to be more than just a "lethal weapon" type of guy - but a rough edged, hard living, pessimist who found a certain amount of solace and peace through his son's illness. The story was excellent and the momentum very good with much intersplicing of different characters to challenge Stu's epiphany and movement towards something greater than himself. I was completely absorbed with his journey in spite of all obstacles standing squarely in his way. Truly a bit of a "sleeper" in that I didn't know anything about this life story and the journey it took to tell it. Pretty amazing, moving, circumspective and whether you are religious or not (-and an I am not) you can't help but feel the inspiration of Stuart turning his life around and over to God. Great story that absolutely brought reality into Stuart and all characters making this a superior movie viewing experience.
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