Mr. Corman: Action Adventure (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Deeply disturbing
19 October 2022
I am not sure why I've stayed with this show, because each episode is indicative of sad, tragic lives with no meaning or purpose.

This is a "Halloween" show in which the main characters spend an inordinate amount of time using the f word or the mf word, or variations there of. Their dialogue consists of calling each other "Bro" or "Dog" or saying "Yo." When one of the characters introduces himself as "Victor," the man he introduces himself to says, "For sure."

Is this how young people talk? Sentences don't connect. Everything is abbreviated or adulterated or a curse word. The main character is a school teacher, but he, too, seems to talk like a stupid moron who has never been in a classroom (but not always).

If you want to understand what's happened to Western civilization, watch this episode, because you can see, in vivid colors and strong, hateful words, how American society has devolved into people who have embraced their stupidity and their lack of talent and somehow interpreted that as meaning they are special and deserving.

I don't understand how anyone, in the world of this show, can maintain a relationship, whether it be a friendship or a love relationship. Everyone seems into their phones and their own little worlds and no one really talks with another people, they only talk at them.

Vulgar, sad, disturbing, upsetting, toxic masculinity, people who have no goals or dreams or, if they do, not the ability to express themselves.
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