Pure nonsense...
16 October 2022
I had never heard about this 1980 sci-fi horror movie titled "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" (aka "Alien 2 - On Earth") before now in 2022, as I happened to stumble upon it by random chance. And of course I opted to watch it, on the account of it being a movie that I hadn't already seen.

Sure, I wasn't exactly harboring a whole lot of expectations to a 1980s alien-based movie from what appeared to be Italian production. But hey, maybe it would be a cheesy fun movie to watch.

Writer and director Ciro Ippolito didn't exactly managed to put together a wholesome movie with "Alien 2: Sulla Terra". In fact, it felt very disjointed, erratic and lacking a coherent storyline. Every scene in the movie felt like it was shot and directed independently of the scene before and after it. So there was no red thread throughout the 92 minutes that "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" ran for.

The acting performances in "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" were dubious and questionable. Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress in this particular movie, nor that anyone stood out as being particularly memorable though.

Visually then you're not in for a great treat if you watch "Alien 2: Sulla Terra". The special effects were not great, and in comparison to other movies from the same time, then the effects in "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" were sort of low budget and sort of bad.

I can now check "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" off of the watched-movie-list, and I can honestly say that I am never returning to watch it a second time.

My rating of "Alien 2: Sulla Terra" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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