The 2 star rating is bcuz of Stuart Bloom.
15 October 2022
It ANGERS me, just COMPLETELY INFURIATING, that Stuart takes advantage of Howard's mom's loneliness & vulnerability & tries to replace Howard.

He lives there rent free, & doesn't have to pay a single dime, & then gets thousands & thousands of dollars for free..!!! I just can't bare to watch his scenes.

The character of Stuart Bloom is a fake & fictional character that TRULY gets under my skin. It's baffling how I can hate some 1 so much that doesn't exist.

I have decided to write a review each episode I just CAN'T STAND bcuz of Kevin Sussman's character, "Stuart." I really really can't watch how he mooch's off of every single main character, the things he says truly annoys me. Some feel "sorry" for his character, but me no way. I just don't understand why the writers wrote his character this way. Throughout the series he claims to be so broke, but he still can afford to keep the comic book store open, & can afford hospital bills, pills, & therapy... Instead of abusing his customers hospitality, sell the store & get a job.. Stuart's character isn't funny at all. I just really can't stand him so much I fast forward the scenes he's mooching & just plain talking at all...
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