"Ends" has murdered Michael Myers, with poor writing and disrespect for his franchise
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a mess of a trilogy. I can't believe what started off as an interesting new take on a horror icon devolved into such a cliched and anticlimatic conclusion. Whoever handed the reigns over to David Gordon Green needs to be fired and blacklisted. Again, Green proves that he just cannot make a mainstream film. From the camera work right down to his actors performances(and these are good actors he's working with), he just cannot break from his indie roots, and I believe this really hurt the new trilogy. Look at the stark difference in directorial style from the first film in this trilogy compared to the other two and that will give you a bit of a clue as to what happened with production. The producers put far too much trust into their director, and the end result was catastrophic. Somebody, anybody, should have told him that most of this material makes no sense with the rest of the storyline and that nobody cares about any of these characters other than Michael Myers.

I have many questions for Mr. Green. Such as, why did he decide Lorie Strode needed to be a narrator that sounded similar to a Jane Austen novel? Or, Why did you think giving Michael Myers a partner, or even thinking that someone would have the same evil inside them as he does, would be a good idea? Scratch that, why is Michael Myers not immortal and just going complete psycho killer on everyone, including the guy he ends up helping? And how are 2 women who weigh maybe about 90 lbs soaking wet could over power him in such a way? Also, if he's not immortal, how in the hell did he survive a house fire, get injured(shot, stabbed, etc.) and kill a bunch of people all in the same night, only to go into hiding for 4 years and somehow take care of his wounds and not die? I get that it is just a movie, but make it make sense!

Not to mention, what is the deal with the political statements in the movie? Did the horror film about a maniac who wants to kill everything in his path to killing his family really need an overt political statement being made throughout? I personally don't and it, just like many, many other things, didn't even gel well in terms of the story. I also feel like I need to address the fact that this finale seems to forget it's a horror movie until about the last 15-20 mins. There are 2 kills in the first 80 mins, and then the end was just as unimpressive with the kills as the first 80 mins. I'd say it was on par with the last Scream film in terms of violence. Nowhere near the brutal deaths of Kills or, because it's fresh from last weekend, Terrifier 2.

Overall, this has to be the worst in the franchise right next to Kills. Even Halloween: Resurrection was better than this. At least they knew how to stick with their own lore about Michael Myers. This final installment seems to forget everything about him, included the lore that was being set up by this trilogy. I suppose that's something I'm impressed by. Never seen a planned trilogy of a well known franchise ditch ideas from previous films in said trilogy. They're usually more planned than this slapdash effort. I do not think the Halloween franchise will ever recover from this.

½ a butcher knife out of 5.
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