It Crawls Beneath
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Police officer Danny (Joseph Almani) is working on an antique car at his uncle's remote ranch when an earthquake traps him under the vehicle and leaves him hurt and unable to get any help. But then, something worse happens: something crawls out of the cracks.

Michael Paré plays the uncle and honestly, that's what got me into this. What also helped was that director Dale Fabrigar also made Reed's Point with writer Tricia Aurand and also made D-Railed, a movie that combined a train crash with aquatic monsters. This time, he's making a movie all about killer worms that make you hallucinate. I mean, at this point, I would totally buy one of those worms. What's the street value of those worms?

This movie is inspired by 50s monster movies yet it has all of the gore you need. That said, it has a lead who may be amongst the dumbest I've ever seen in a film, someone who knows an earthquake may happen and then throws a car up on a jack. You can't be mad when said jalopy lands on you after that. When his girlfriend leaves him in the beginning, you totally get it and you barely know him.
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