The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Like a Boxer beyond his prime.
12 October 2022
As a boxing fan, the saddest part of that sport is to see a once great champion step into the ring at 39,40 or 41 and go up against some up and coming journeyman, only to get demolished. The Walking Dead is exactly like that. It was once one of the greatest shows in an era of GREAT TV shows. It's now not even a ghost of its former self. It's something completely different, not even holding up to average TV shows. I use to not be able to wait for a season and now I'll watch an episode if I get around to it, usually late at night before I go to sleep.

Unlike many that repeat this narrative, I do think the good years go all the way to season 7 or 8. I do agree that seasons 1 through 4 are masterful, but 4 through 8 aren't bad and to me season 7 was truly horrifying with Negan being the greatest villain on the show.

But then....oh man.... after that, season 9 through the end is some of the worst TV writing I've ever seen. It's bloated with filler characters and filler storylines. People disappear and return with little to no explanation. Others change personalities for no reason at all and others just pop up for a few episodes as if we are supposed to know them. The last 3 part series finale is truly the worst ending to a show I have ever watched and I've suffered through Lost, Dexter and Weeds endings.

I don't keep up with the creation of the show, so I don't know what happened but somewhere in season 9 or 10, something changed. Either the writing, showrunner, or directors completely changed. It turned into this soapy drama with absolutely no thrills or horror at all except of course the zombies who by now are not horrific at all. They are just annoying.

I'm watching to the end mainly because I finish everything I start but wow, this is painful to witness, can't wait until it's over.
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