Ten Tricks (2022)
Current Year Brothel with no Plot
12 October 2022
OK... let's start with the obvious. Only in current year do we have a movie about a brothel that includes two dudes. Really? Sigh... there goes at least one star.

So... aside from that, there really isn't a plot here. The movie revolves around a madam in a brothel (Lea Thompson - the whole reason I sat through this) who wants a child (not a family; not a man; just a child) and a magician who hates his job. This plot takes up maybe 15 or 20 minutes of the whole flick. The rest is just various unrelated tricks (think brothel, not magic). There is nothing that ties any of these shorts together outside of the fact that they are all ladies of the night. Oh yeah.. I forgot... current year. Ladies and Gentlemen of the night... sigh...

I'm really not even sure how the magician ties in to the story, either. It looks like he's performing in a night club, but there's a brothel in same building as the night club? And the madam tends bar in the brothel / night club? Yeah... no... nothing here makes a lick of sense.

Looking back, I'm really not even sure why I gave it the five stars I did.. I guess just for Lea. If you are a fan of hers (Howard the Duck, anyone?)... well.. you still probably won't enjoy this.
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