Love O2O (2016– )
If You are a Yang Yang fan
11 October 2022
This is my sister's favourite c/k drama. It's an excellent watch because the male cast kill it. I've seen American dramas with less talent but greater fame. And kudos to Her Naughtiness (the female lead's best friend)- this sister can act. Cute as a button, but when your performance compels someone to look for your other works, then you can be assured that your talent made some forget cute. Very few with good lucks can actually do it. That's when you have both a hook and a kill.

The kisses made me laugh. Kissing cardboard seems easier. But I understood the outcome.

Loved the graphics, storyline and difference in ending from movie. Also love theme of influencing youth to do business differently. It's a constant in Korean and Chinese drama. Film with social conscience has greater national benefit than environmentalism that's values pets above human life. Value both.

Main criticism is that female lead role never truly evolves or grow. One episode may fool many, but I value thinking both as a habit and skill. I don't fault the actress. She did what was asked of her. Wanted to see more of Young man being tutored. Good talent. Also loved idea of not trying to redetermine who someone loves. Takes all types to make one world.

What I find curious is the misuse of the word beautiful. Anyone who can't stop traffic without make-up and wearing sackcloth just don't cut it. Barbados is small. My secondary school population was less than 1200., with less than 110 girls. Female lead couldn't qualify as nothing more than pleasant to behold. Supporting actress is a whole different story.

In top k/ c dramas, whether modern or historical, the trifecta of haircut, wardrobe and personal dynamism transfixes you and transcends ordinary. When the 4th ,5th and 6th dimensions of good talent throughout cast, good writing and directing are added, then you get a work that leaves American and western cinema and tv in the dust. And counting box office receipts in US dollars can never diminish impact or change that outcome. Then comes the seventh dimension - a place all its own.

Would I suggest this to young people I know? Yes. I prefer The King's Avatar and the female roles. But overall, it's because it showcases more talent, has conflict that doesn't negate admiration of skill of acting and it compels you to watch it again. Both also provoke you to never superimpose your personal opinion on the work or the story and to respect creative choices made based on social-cultural and market norms. So, all in all, I learnt more from lead female role of Love o2o but I admire talent and role of others more. That's the beauty of having more than one lens through which to observe anything.
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