She lost all. But it did not break her.
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the people in the entertainment industry who bullied and threatened Sinead after she refused to sing the US national anthem before a concert AND that famous moment where she ripped a picture of the pope on SNL, owe her an apology. In the first instance, she refused as an act to protest against the Gulf War. The picture ripping was to express her anger at the cover up of decades of child sexual abuse by priests in the Catholic Church.

They absolutely railroaded her and her career was never the same after that. All because she refused to conform.

Ireland and the US at the time had a lot of things in common when it came to misogyny and sexism, but with a few differences. While Ireland at the time was far more regressive, the US, particularly if you were a female musician, had their own set of rules: You could be what ever you wanted and dress how ever you wanted, but if you are not respectful of certain people, even if they are doing something wrong, if they are horrible people, they will destroy you. And that is what happened to Sinead. She escaped all of her family abuse and rigid misogyny of her country to the US, only to be scored, abused and cast out like a pariah after the picture ripping.

This is quite a short bio-doc. It doesn't cover the whole of her life. Just literally up until the Bob Dylan concert. This is more about the impact she had on female musicians that grow up today, and how they don't have to face as much scorn as Sinead did in the early 90s for speaking out on important issues.

Also the incident with Prince is not mentioned (another bad man). Not surprising since his estate refused to licence Nothing Compares To You for this film, despite the fact that it is her signature song.

If you want to find out more about Sinead's life, read her autobiography Rememberings, because it is a fantastic book.
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