Review of Artik

Artik (2019)
Bigger ideas don't fully crystalize in an otherwise "okay" story
11 October 2022
The premise wasn't especially grabbing, but I thought I'd check it out nonetheless. I assumed the film would be a more straightforward coming of age horror-thriller in familiar or at least recognizable settings. While that's sort of true, this portends at something a little less ordinary: The world of 'Artik' isn't quite our own; there are suggestions of something more sinister dancing on the edges. The title character speaks in vague terms of having certain beliefs that drive his killings, seemingly borne at least in part from his love of comic books. Moreover, wrapped up with what Artik does describe of his reasoning, there's ultimately an underhanded approach to noteworthy thematic content. Yet none of these aspects are fully realized - filmmaker Tom Botchii intimates at a larger world, but doesn't truly build it; Artik waxes poetic about his motivations, but nothing is firmly cemented; even the comic books come off as but a light brushstroke, despite irregular emphasis. I can't help but wonder if I'm reading more into the picture than is actually present. I'm of the mind that I just watched a picture that wanted its story to be part of something bigger, but it didn't quite go the distance to create that space. This is, after all, kind of ordinary.

It's ordinary, but not bad. The blood and gore effects are good, and the production design and art direction. The cast give performances ranging from suitable to commendable. I'm once again most impressed by Lauren Ashley Carter; I've seen a few of her movies now, and whatever was true of the content otherwise, she has blown me away each time with her skills. I hope to see still more, and bigger, and better things for her. The core narrative, sans dressing, is duly engaging, if nothing terribly special. Though they're nigh intangible, I really like the dangling gossamer threads of more enticing notions as they float overhead.

I admire the work that went into making 'Artik' in every regard. I appreciate the airs of Something More. Yet this is more or less the cinematic equivalent of intending to build a house that stands out from the rest of the neighborhood, then still ending up with what is effectively a cookie cutter design with maybe a paintjob that's a few shades off from the usual. The thought is there; the follow-through is a little lacking.

I think I have a solid grasp on what Botchii was trying, and I love the tack. While it's not accurate to say this feature is a "swing and a miss" - it's no strike, it's no homerun, either. My commendations for the effort; better luck next time.
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