Great overall show with a few things I don't like
9 October 2022
I really enjoyed the show for the most part. It's got some really well acted and complex characters that are easy to love, though some characters get a lot more attention than others. The show spends a lot of time dealing with really complex issues of death, suicide, religion, etc. And I think it does it all fairly well.

There's a sub plot with the cult that feels like it should be the main story line, but it really ends on a bit of a whimper without a great deal of resolution. It feels like it wanted to save a lot of the important story for season 2, but did so at the expense of a satisfying resolution for season 1.

Where the show really shines though are the small horror stories sprinkled throughout. All of them are very unique, really well told, and have fun and clever moments throughout. I highly doubt a group of teenagers would be able to tell so many layered and complex short stories, but I'll look past that little plot hole since it was so fun to watch all of them.

So aside from a poor resolution to the main plot thread, I'd say this was a great watch and well worth the time invested.
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