Francesca Quinn, PI (2022 TV Movie)
Not it
8 October 2022
I must admit that since early 2022 I've been waiting with anticipation for the next Hallmark Movies & Mysteries mystery. This was just not it, unfortunately. I wanted to like it; as it looked like a more serious mystery with a gripping plot. However, there turned out to be so many problems with this story, the main one being that this, yes THIS, is supposed to be the final installment for Mystery 101 without being a Mystery 101 movie. The story begins setting itself up similar to the ending of Mystery 101 and then plays out the scenario of what would happen if a woman broke up with her detective boyfriend, got engaged to someone else, and that fiance was murdered?

We all wanted the ending to Mystery 101, but this is not it. First, the plot is just poor and contrived. You can tell that this movie was not a series unto itself, but was an attempt to conclude Mystery 101 while mixing a new cast of characters for a new series and plot for that new series into it. And it fails. Miserably. Second, add to the convoluted plot a whole bunch of characters who don't want to be here? It's a bit of a disaster. None of the cast acts like they wanted to shoot this film. You don't get any sense that these people can even stand to be in the same room with each other, despite the fact the heroine and the main detective used to date and are slowly rekindling that romance (supposedly) throughout the story. Third, Frankie is obnoxious. She's rude, brusque, abrasive, and just downright unlikable. She'd not funny, and she stays bitter and nasty through the whole thing. She has a couple minute bipolar moment partway through the movie, and is back to her dislikable self by the next scene. Fourth, the ending was pretty much entirely predictable and the reason for it was flawed and foolishly conceived to cover for the fact that it was predictable. Fifth, there are a ton of plot holes in this movie and so many hanging strings left at the end it's a wonder you can actually call it a full movie.

Hallmark, sexy voice overlay is so not working for you! They thought, "hey, let's do the old-timey detective monologue with this Frankie Quinn character. It'll go super well with her 'masculine' image." You know? The kind that Magnum does? Problem is, Frankie does it in the most "sexy" voice she can conjure and it doesn't come across like authentic narration. Instead it feels like she's making fun of the internal monologue. The way that all parodies of old-timey detective shows do. Only thing is, Hallmark didn't intend it that way, so it's just awkward.

I have to say, I'm not a fan of this new series, or these actors in this series. The movie was slow, the plot was convoluted and felt forced, and the characters are unlikable. It didn't flow well, and I have zero interest in watching it again or watching more of Frankie Quinn at all. She was that bad.

What happened to your good shows? Martha's Vineyard; Mystery 101; Aurora Teagarden; Fixer Upper; Emma Fielding; even Garage Sale Mysteries? Why can't you recast if necessary and keep going with plots we actually want to see? Heck, I really wanted another Cherry Springs mystery. But, no, we got Frankie Quinn instead.

If you're looking for a good Hallmark mystery movie like the old days, this is not it. Try Nikki & Nora Sister Sleuths instead. Now, there's a series that has potential.

Hopefully, Frankie Quinn will be a one off.
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