Clever and witty.
8 October 2022
Stiff Upper Lips (1997) -

My first thoughts of this film were that it was sniggerable, but more of a farce than what I would call a comedy, but after a while I really got in to it and could appreciate the style that they were going for.

The exact parodies and some of the sillier bits, like in the maze, did tickle me and once Peter Ustinov arrived on the scene, things only got better.

I might not have enjoyed the situations as much if I hadn't seen the films that were mocked though, but they certainly did get a lot in.

I'm actually sure that it rates higher than most of the films that it takes the pi$$ out of.

It was as if 'Carry On' had taken over the Merchant Ivory studios for a week and in a lot of ways it worked.

I loved sexy Sean Pertwee and the dim witted character, Edward, played by Samuel West was brilliant. They must also have employed every hot Italian actor they could find for the scenes filmed there. I didn't know where to look first.

Ustinov was superb and will always be rated very highly by me and Prunella with a more dry contribution to the humour did a grand job too.

It was a slow burner, but I really enjoyed it in the end. It was probably made in homage to the poor boyfriends that have had to endure drippy period dramas one after another, but I think that anyone could enjoy it in its own right, more so if they have suffered through the various films that were mimicked though.

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