Ridley (2022– )
Great Acting Great Writing
8 October 2022
I see mixed reviews for this which just shows how many different kinds of people with varying opinions and taste there are. For me, I enjoyed Ridley a lot. It wasn't violent and full of hyped up graphic grossness. It was just a good story that didn't need to rely on a dog and pony show to sell it. For people who like grisly horror, move along, nothing to see here.

I particularly liked the jazz, which was a refreshing change in a British drama, and who knew that Adrian Dunbar could sing. It thought that was cool. I'm usually an armchair sleuth, and figure out whodunit half way, but not in episode one. It kept me guessing right until the end, which I like.

The scenery was a bonus - fog, snow, rain, autumn colors in the woods. I won't watch a detective series unless it takes place somewhere that has some of the features. No city dick shows for me anymore. They're too depressing and ugly. This is a beauty!
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