Karthikeya 2 (2022)
Hipe and Expectation lost
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Trash" I am talking about the movie not a dumpster.

Recently i have watched many movies with good VFX, along with a TRASH story. This movie is one of them. I got excited to watch this movie as people were gossiping good about the movie. But story of this movie disappointed me... As they started with a super intelligent Dr. Who can do anything. After some incident he was suspended.. but after that movie turns into a interesting plot.. but when they found the flut on top of the mountain and this story become trash. A total garbage. They jumped into a river with a truck didn't sink? Also it got full speed in the ice.

They found the "**let" after that what ? Where did the virus go ?

Wasted my time ... I had already set a list of movies to watch. I should have watched any other one of them..

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