I am not christian
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I did not read the novel before watching the movie so my initial rating was 8 as I didn't like how they drew Michael's character, I didn't feel he was human he was more like an angle with no human feelings. I didn't feel his anger when he saw his wife with another man or his sorrow when Angel left him the second time.

This movie missed the core of this novel. It did not show what Angel did to help her old fellows get out of prostitution. It didn't show How Angel became religious. I didn't show how Michael acted when he saw Angel under another man especially after all the good he had done to her and how he overcame his anger. It didn't show Angel's trying to pay her dept to Michael before leaving him. This movie is so shallow compared to the novel. I think it should have been a mini-series instead of a movie so they would have enough time to deliver this novel perfectly to the audience.

I loved the costumes, sets and the actors.
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