I Hate You (2022)
Unfair hate
4 October 2022
To be honest I read a few reviews and thought about skipping it but I like her from sex education and thought I'd give it a go. It was like a lot of British comedies, a bit all over the place, new age humour isn't particularly funny, trying to tie in the contradiction that Is the social media hypocrites, it's impossible to please everyone.

There were bits that were natural, I thought parts were very funny, but sometimes they tried to force a joke, that was poor. But overall it was a decent comedy, passed the time on a sick day and I'd watch a series two, I thought there's potential, problem we have these days is people rate 1 or 10/10 so stuff gets loved or binned off. I'd give this one more go, women don't have an easy route in comedy.

The one thing I thought was funny was the intro, it felt like someone watched peacemaker and tried to clone it and it was a fail, it immediately made the characters tougher to like and route for so that was a mistake.
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