Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Not every villain needs a redemption arc
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why Disney willingly chooses to sabotage their best villains to try and make them sympathetic.

In fact, I don't understand why this trend exists in pretty much every production company there is, right now. All it does is remove a "good villain" from their "deck" of villains to "play with" in other movies.

The Sanderson sisters were evil witches who "ate" children and cast silly spells to make people dance to death. They were a perfect example of "Horror for children" and perfect for Halloween.

The movie, itself, is very bland.

The idea of introducing "good witches" (aka thanks for fighting discrimination against modern witchcraft practitioners) is poorly done. I could see the idea of having 3 best friends becoming Salem 3 new witches forming, but it never really gets any where.

In fact, what happened with the plot involving the 3 girls' friendship? They really dropped the ball on this.

Having the Sanderson sisters once against feel "lost" in the modern world had already been done. The choice of one of the songs fell flat (especially with kids, the target audience, who found it cringy, and with returning fans who noticed the rehashing of some musical elements).

Overall, the main 2 problems were that the Sanderson sisters no longer felt like a threat and that the story was boring and incomplete.

It's too bad, because I had hopes for this movie.

However, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Majimy depicted their characters perfectly, once again, and were very pleasant to watch on screen, despite the bland plot and "disneyfication" of their iconic characters.
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